We are very lucky here that despite strong winds we have sites that offer excellent sheltered nets and in Easterly winds that venue is Mannez Quarry nature reserve. Today we ringed 52 new birds 30 of which were Robins, some 58% of the day total. The highlight was an anticipated species never ringed on Alderney before, a Yellow-browed Warbler. We had the first visual migration of winter thrushes with a dozen Redwings over and a single flock of 9 Fieldfare and a Skylark. Also ringed: 1 adult Redwing along with 6 Song Thrushes,  3 Chiffchaffs and 8 Blackcaps. Swallows continue to pass through but not more than 50 today. John Weir reported a Sparrowhawk at Mannez.


Yellow-browed Warbler – Mannez Quarry – photo – ABO